Higher Level Processing Inc –

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

This terms of use and privacy policy is an implied agreement between

the User / Client and My-hlp.com (the Website / Company “Higher Level

Processing Inc”) and its affiliate network website systems thereof. 

By using this site, you agree to abide by our terms of use and privacy policy.

Higher Level Processing Inc works on a principle of helping students and

alumni with student debt relief consulting and document preparation

administrative support. Our scope of consulting & clerical services includes

but are not limited to: debt reduction on federal student loans – explaining and

educating clients on different debt relief programs pertaining to: loan

consolidation, repayment plans, loan reconciliation / default resolution,

forbearance, debt cancellation and loan forgiveness programs.

Anything BEYOND the scope of our realm of services CANNOT be construed

as a pre-disposed obligation for us to deliver such unmentioned services

(whether on this website or in writing by email or texting or via phone calls

verbally). Therefore, our company will NOT be held liable for any of the

undelivered services that neither party agreed to or IF those services /

solutions do not fall under the “scope of employment” within our company’s

expertise. By using our website and various systems, there is no “ostensible

authority” to form “Agent to Principal” relations with the users and visitors of

our website systems, considering the necessary screening technology we

must employ to “filter out” and ward off against spam emails and spam calls /

bots and/or ineligible visitors of our company website(s). 

> Company Disclosure

Higher Level Processing (company) specializes in federal student loan

consulting and document preparation & processing to help borrowers qualify

for various government debt relief programs. Once your financial approval

assessment is complete, our staff will help you find a repayment or “debt

reduction” solution that works best for your individual financial situation based

on pre-qualifications guidelines.








> Company Disclaimer

We are not a government agency nor the Department of Education, NOR your

loan servicer. Higher Level Processing Inc is a private company – not affiliated

with the government nor the Department of Education. We work on an

“intermediary” behalf of the borrower / client, representing the borrower’s best

interest. We DO NOT make any loan payments on your behalf; your loans

remain in your name. Rather, we assist in identifying appropriate government

loan repayment & debt relief programs and then we draft document

preparation to apply for such programs. Any fees that you pay to Higher Level

Processing Inc are for designated value services provided to you with your

consent while you are responsible for repaying your loan separately at your


By using our company services, we do not grant any express nor implied

warranties to guarantee the loan reduction / debt relief results for our clients.

Student loan clients and users of this website agree to supply truthful,

accurate information about themselves, their income and their concurrent debt

situation. In accordance with fair business practices and anti-discrimination

laws, we DO NOT discriminate against age, race, gender, sexual orientation,

disabilities, religion, political views and marital status. However, we must fairly

distinguish and exclude certain nations and currencies outside USA where we

cannot conduct business and where there would be no qualified clients based

on the application merit and federal guidelines.

> User / Client Privacy Policy

Our Company / Higher Level Processing Inc has made a substantial effort to

protect our Users and Clients in terms of cyber security and applicable privacy

regulations. Among which, my-hlp.com (website) has a properly installed SSL

(Secure Socket Layer) on our domain with encryption of data input and data

transfer. This allows for Higher Level Processing website features like contact

forms and application input forms to be well-protected when Users enter their

private and/or sensitive information. By law, all our website Users, Clients and

Contacts can request to be “opted out” of any subscriptions / communications

or emailing lists and we shall abide by their requests to enable such process.

By contacting our company (Higher Level Processing Inc) via our online

contact forms, email, phone or text, you agree to “opt-in” to receive relevant

communications / information pertaining to your questions and any materials

that we (as a company) believe would be helpful to you (as a User/Prospect or

existing Client) – this allows for us to provide a better service without

encumbrances nor any hindrances brought upon by a lack of communications

and unnecessary barriers. Additionally, for certain contact forms / applications

/ contracts and documents, we reserve the right to provide an optional “opt-in /

opt-out” feature for permitted communications related to your account status

and important student loan/debt relief information as well as any marketing

promotions & company announcements – whether direct or indirect point of

contact regardless of solicitation techniques; nonetheless, we intend to adhere

to a professional code of ethics with our Contacts/Prospects & Clients having

the right to be able to request to “opt-out” of ANY communications OR

solicitations that would otherwise be naturally instigated by our company for

those who were “opted-in” to consent to participate in our relevant

communications outreach.

> How We Collect and Use Information

This website is also equipped with optional “call-to-action features” like the

company phone # that our Users & Clients may call to interact with our

company staff to be able to answer relevant questions. By calling the

company phone #, our phone systems collect the caller ID / phone # so we

can call them back to try to assist them. We also have very secure private

CRM systems where we store the information provided to us by our Clients of

our services & Users of our website (my-hlp.com) and its connected web


By entering your email address and your name into our contact forms and

application / assessment form and/or appointment scheduler, you agree to

receive our direct communications by email that was provided by you willfully

with or without the intent to subscribe to our important communication

updates, relevant news / announcements and other vital information. If you

entered the wrong email address by mistake, you may contact us directly to

update your email address by emailing to info@my-hlp.com The personal

information that we collect securely via our website (when our website users

submit their information) includes: first name and last name, email address,

student loan / debt balance amount, current monthly payment, adjusted gross

income, family size as well as general location / city and state of residence

(when asked to share it) – Higher Level Processing Inc also has the right to

VERIFY the Clients’ residence address to make sure it matches the loan / file

records and the student's name in order to avoid fraudulent claims & filings.

Per our privacy policy, we have an ethics code to conduct business with

utmost honesty / transparency, affordability, availability / flexibility, data

security and reasonable accommodations.

Certain web systems and transacting portals that we use are being handled

via other parties considered to be reputable / secure online payment

gateways, in which case, those companies are responsible for providing such

technologies to you as a User / Client and therefore they are deemed to be

responsible for any technical problems / nuances on their side or any other

User Experience / User Interface or network up-time / website availability /

maintenance / speed-performance and web security protocols.

> Maintenance & Development and Web Security

While the my-hlp.com site is undergoing maintenance & development, Users /

Visitors and Clients may not be able to use OR see certain features of the site

until they are ready to be displayed publicly or until certain website / system

updates are issued as part of a normal protocol of performing web

maintenance. During the maintenance updates and testing stage, Higher

Level Processing and its IT department / Web Developer cannot be held

reasonably accountable for any missing content and features (or lack of

textual content), down-time / inaccessibility, slow-down in web performance or

any technical problems that are in the process of being resolved. As a good,

reliable company, we periodically check and test our website features and

web security so as to determine the adequate speed performance, stability,

SSL security encryption, privacy & spam control, software & API integrations

and features functionality along with accessibility and “ease of use” to

optimize user experience and value-satisfaction.     

> Indemnification Clause and Web Security

IF there is ever an EXTERNAL linking website that has malware or spyware

attached to it or improper SSL installation or missing SSL security certificates,

those unsafe websites would NOT have our permission to link to our website,

thereby absolving us (the company) of ALL liabilities stemming from those

suspicious malware websites.

Higher Level Processing company shall NOT be responsible for any

negligence or damages arising from any such unsecured malware websites.

Under the circumstance of a prohibited / unauthorized website linking to our

site (with or without our knowledge), it is still the predisposed duty of those

outside companies to maintain their web security, cyber compliance, up-time,

maintenance / updates and customer support. In the event of any perpetrating

website/company attempting to breach or violate and compromise our website

systems and/or clients / users’ information, we shall seek rightful

indemnification against those types of companies that cause an unlawful,

harmful breach of system or damage to our reputation (i.e. we'd be seeking

compensation for damages & repairs / loss of data / systems restoration, loss

of revenue, reputation reviews / defamation and any litigation costs) 

> Intellectual Copyrights

Furthermore, the use of Higher Level Processing Inc and my-hlp.com

copyrighted materials and domain / brand name (without our authorization) is

STRICTLY PROHIBITED. You must contact the Higher Level Processing

company by email (in writing) to request such use of materials / content and

brand name publicly with a prior notice before posting or otherwise

“misappropriating” unauthorized content that may or may not be accurate or

up-to-date with the latest available information. 

We sincerely promise to keep up with the educational information and

guidelines referring to student loan debt relief programs and will thus do our

best to inform and educate our clients & users on the benefits of using those

programs to help those who need to reduce their federal student debt.